
Commercials have always been my biggest passion.
I love to come up with new concepts and then planning them down the smallest details. Then putting all my energy to build that perfect photo that you didn’t think it was possible to shoot.


I maybe don’t post as much of my videos that I should, but I actually work around 40% with videos. I have been working with videos for as long as I have been working with photos. So I have the gear and the skills if you need something that is moving as well.


I love shooting weddings, it’s that 12 hour rush of picking your brain how to keep taking creative shots for a whole day. And you end up with so many hundreds of lovely photos at the end of the day.


People, most of my photos has people in them.
This can be bands, your linked in profile picture or you showing of your muscles. Whatever it is, I’m ready to shoot it.

Family and Children

This is something that I have been shooting for as long as I can remember. I shoot families in my studio or at the family’s home or outdoors. So no matter if you are 0 or 100 years old, there is never a bad time to take photos.


So far I have shot 2 books worth of food photos + a bunch of food commercials for different occasions. So food and drinks are not something new and scary for me.

Business portraits

I have a set up of gear that is ready to be packed in the car and I can come to your office and shoot your staff right there and then. Or if you need photos of yourself in a business look, you can come to my studio.

Real estate

I shoot quite a lot of houses and apartments for companies who are in the construction business but also for people who wants to sell their apartments or homes.